Species We Grow

For a full list of the species that we grow, refer to the table below. The availability is regularly updated but individual listings are not yet up on the site. If you are after some of these little beauties please get in touch via email. They are available for pickup from Leichhardt, Sydney or the farm in Wattamolla. Postage can be arranged for those further afield. 

Wattamolla Provenance

Scientific Name Common Name/s Availability
Toona ciliata Red Cedar Ready 
Ficus obliqua Small Leafed Fig Ready 
Guioa semiglauca Guioa Ready 
Alphitonia excelsa Red Ash, Cooper's Wood Ready 
Diospyros australis Black Plum Ready 
Eucryphia moorei Eucryphia, Plumwood Ready 
Myrsine howittiana Brush Muttonwood Ready 
Livistona australis Cabbage Tree Palm Ready


Non-local provenance

Scientific Name Common Name Availability
Juglans nigra  Black Walnut Ready

Vines and Groundcovers

Scientific Name Common Name Availability
Doodia aspera  Prickly Rasp Fern In Production
Piper hederaceum Giant Pepper Vine In Production